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Visual Medium has had a great impact on the historic evolution of mankind. From cave paintings in Caceres to VR games of today, it has taught us how to evolve, how to look back, and most importantly how to narrate stories.


On the 25th of May 1961, John F Kennedy announced the goal of landing a human on the Moon in front of a joint session on Congress of the United States. It was definitely one of the most defining moments of the century. But what’s interesting is that a filmmaker had imagined the scenario decades ago. ‘A Trip to the Moon’ was a 1906 13-minute science fiction film by Georges Melies. Way before even NASA was founded. Storytellers like Melies and writers like Jules Verne lead us into a path of exploration, which as of now could turn us into a multi-planetary species within the next century (Elon, we are looking at you!).


The possibilities the visual medium led to are innumerable. The dream to land on the moon was a process wherein like-minded people came together to amass all those wonderful details that fuelled the rocket which was launched into space, into the breathtaking Milky Way Galaxy.


We will treat you and your customers as that rocket and help you narrate wonderful stories of your brand for generations to come. Each and every brand that comes to us will be given the attention as precarious and precise as thrusting a rocket into the atmosphere with all the finer details primed. 


Reach for the stars, they say. We say thrust your rocket constantly with all the fuel marketing has to give it that it becomes a star in the umpteen brands out there.


Digital Marketing, after all, is Rocket Science. 

And we’re your ROCKTFUEL.


Aslam Basheer is basically a creative nut in a nutshell. Boosting of a MFA from the prestigious Full Sail University in Orlando, FL, he grapples with handling Bangalore’s favourite hospitality Brand, Cafe Azzure along with pursuing other creative endeavours. 


He was awarded the Young Entrepreneur of the Year in 2018 by Times Business Awards. 


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